Panama Red Cannabis Strain UK


THC: 25%



Panama Red Cannabis Strain UK

You don’t have to be a stoner or medical marijuana patient to recognize the words “Panama Red.” This truly old-school strain rose to prominence in the late 1960s. Thanks to its alluring name and pure sativa effects (sativa/indica ratio of 100:0). They include a distinctly cerebral high that comes with euphoria, relaxation, happiness, and sociability. Panama Red Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: This makes Panama Red an effective medication for Anxiety, ADHD, Migraine Headaches, and Mood Disorders.

The buds are light green and dust with crystals, while the smell and flavor of this strain are pungent, earthy, and woody. Dry eyes, dry mouth, and headaches are the most commonly adverse effects. Although limited paranoia is also possible. This strain’s popularity isn’t what it once was: It can be found now mostly in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California