RSO Romulan Oil 5ml


77.95% cannabinoids, including 73.50% THC!



Buy RSO Romulan Oil UK

RSO Romulan Oil UK 5ml Online. 5mL in a Polypropylene ‘Eos’ dispenser with Green thread for precision dosing. This Rick Simpson Oil is from Romulan flowers. Shares its name with the famous alien race from Star Trek. This strain has a powerful indica dominant effects and exceptional therapeutic properties.

Rick Simpson Oil
Produces an incredibly deep, relaxing total body high that will leave each user in a sedated, yet blissfully peaceful state of rest. While its genetic characteristics rely heavily on its indica dominant parents. Romulan will also produce a touch of euphoric stimulation that will last for hours on end. These deeply sedating effects make Romulan the perfect strain to treat conditions such as chronic pain due to inflammation, nerve damage, or muscular spasms, in addition to depression and lack of appetite.

This high-end cancer-curing RSO(Rick Simpson Oil) has been independently tested at MB labs to contain over 77.95% cannabinoids, including 73.50% THC!

We have determined that this product is 75% indica from this resource: